Published onAugust 19, 2017Bootstrap SB Admin Base V2 for Railsrailsbootstrapadmin-templateA Rails gem for integrating the Bootstrap-based admin theme SB Admin 2, making asset management easy.
Published onJune 14, 2016RTL Version of SB Admin 2 for Railsrailsbootstrapadmin-templatertlA customized RTL version of the SB Admin 2 Bootstrap theme for Rails applications.
Published onMay 10, 2016Quickly Share Your Local Rails App with Ngrok and PowrailsngrokpowdevelopmentLearn how to quickly put your local Rails application online using Ngrok and Pow.
Published onJanuary 9, 2016Rails Blank Template App for Quick PrototypingrailsrubybootstrapprototypingA simple Rails blank template app for quickly starting new projects with preconfigured features.
Published onNovember 23, 2015Physical software made easy with Arduino and Ruby on RailsrubyrailsarduinoLearn how to create a tiny internet of things project with Arduino and Ruby on Rails.
Published onNovember 2, 2015Geosearch with MongoDB and GeocoderrubyrailsmongodbCreate a simple geosearch form with MongoDB and Geocoder Rails gem.
Published onOctober 24, 2015Create a super fancy API with GraperubyrailsapiHow to develop a RESTful API in Ruby on Rails.
Published onOctober 17, 2015Gemify your assets in less than 10 minutesrubyrailsgemLearn how to convert your Javascript library or any other asset into a Rails gem.
Published onOctober 10, 2015Make a conversational bot in Ruby on Rails from scratchrubyrailsaimlbotThis is a post in where we're going to develop a conversational bot with the help of AIML in Ruby on Rails.