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Rails Blank Template App for Quick Prototyping


If you need to quickly prototype a Rails app for an idea or project, here’s a simple Rails blank template app. You can clone it and start developing right away.

This template uses the Bootstrap SB Admin Base V2 theme. You can find the Rails gem for this theme here.

Features Included by Default:

  • Devise with default authentication modules.
  • BootstrapSBAdminBaseV2 theme.
  • SendGrid gem for email delivery.
  • Continuous testing with Guard.
  • Thin server for lightweight performance.
  • MySQL database.
  • ERB template engine.

A demo user is available for testing:

  • Email:
  • Password: 123456789


To start using this template, follow these standard Rails setup steps:

  1. Install Ruby version 2.2.3 (via RVM, rbenv, or your preferred method).

  2. Clone the repository and install dependencies:

bundle install
rake db:setup
rake db:seed
  1. Start the server and check everything is working:
rails s

Get the Code

You can find the full source code on GitHub. Feel free to clone it, modify it, and use it as a starting point for your projects! 😃