Published onAugust 19, 2017Web Scraping Pokémon Data with Ruby and Nokogirirubyweb-scrapingnokogiripokemonLearn how to scrape Pokémon data from the web using Ruby and Nokogiri.
Published onAugust 19, 2017Using a Ruby Hash Like a Class ObjectrubyoophashA simple trick to use a Ruby hash like a class object, providing dynamic method access.
Published onAugust 11, 2017Monitoring microSD Image Burning with Pipe Viewerraspberry-pilinuxmacospvddLearn how to use Pipe Viewer (pv) to monitor the progress of burning images to microSD cards for Raspberry Pi.
Published onAugust 17, 2016Getting Started with p5.js and Building a T-Rex Gamejavascriptp5.jsgame-developmentAn introduction to p5.js, covering basic concepts and building a simple T-Rex game inspired by Chrome's offline game.
Published onJune 14, 2016RTL Version of SB Admin 2 for Railsrailsbootstrapadmin-templatertlA customized RTL version of the SB Admin 2 Bootstrap theme for Rails applications.