Published onFebruary 14, 2025How to Change a Field Type in an Ecto Embedded Schema with a MigrationectophoenixelixirmigrationspostgresqlChanging a field type in an Ecto embedded schema requires both a code update and a database migration. This guide walks through the process, ensuring data consistency and avoiding common pitfalls.
Published onJune 29, 2018Generate UUID fields in Phoenix with PostgresqlelixirectopostgresqluuidLearn how to create a non-primary key UUID field in an Ecto schema using PostgreSQL's `uuid_generate_v4()` function.
Published onNovember 28, 2017Generating Breadcrumbs with PostgreSQL WITH QueriespostgresqlelixirqueriesbreadcrumbsLearn how to use PostgreSQL WITH queries to efficiently generate breadcrumbs in a storage system.